Taking Care of Your Breasts
The best way to keep off terminal illnesses like breast cancer and diabetes is to maintain a Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) throughout a person's life. The BMI should be maintained at a range of 18-25 point. Research shows a significant increase in this cancer in weight gain especially in middle-aged individuals. Elevated BMI also has been known to increase risk of such cancer development, during post-menopause. Excessive alcohol consumption and abuse, has been established as the most dietary factor, which increases the risk of cancer development. It has been proven that, consumption of more than a drink a day increases breast cancer development for up to 20%-25%.
A person is advised to consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible daily. Almost all cruciferous vegetables like: cabbage, broccoli, Brussels, cauliflower and sprouts provide a good protection against breast cancers when consumed. Dark leafy vegetables have also been attributed to breast cancer reduction and they include: kales, collards and spinach. Protection fruits include berries, cherries and citrus while vegetables like tomatoes and carrots have shown a significant reduction of breast cancer risk. The vegetables should be slightly cooked or eaten raw since some essential phytochemicals responsible for reducing the risk, are highly destroyed by heat.
A regular exercise daily is a must as it provides a very powerful protection in breast cancer prevention. The exercise should include a 30-minute of aerobic exercise like walking or jogging for five days a week. Duration and consistency of the exercise is the key as opposed to intensity. People should be cautions on the types of fats they ingest into their system. Some types of fats have been linked to a cancer risk increase. They include trans fats, saturated fat and omega-6 fats (safflower, cottonseed oil, corn and sunflower). The types of fats which helps in cancer prevention include:
monounsaturated fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts and canola and omega-3 fats like tuna, sardines, herring, lake trout and salmon as they have potential anticancer effects. A person should stick to a diet low in glycemic index at all times. White rice, sugar, white potatoes and white flour contain high levels of glycemic index of carbohydrates and their intake should be minimized. These foodstuffs trigger changes in hormonal balance, promoting growth of cells in the breasts tissues. These carbohydrate sources should be replaced with beans or legumes and other whole grains. Consumption of whole food such as tempeh, soymilk, edamame, miso, roasted soy nuts and tofu should be encouraged.
Exposure to xeno-estrogens and pharmacologic estrogens should be minimized as its exposure triggers breast cancer development. These included environmental pollutants like industrial chemicals and pesticides. Also the residual hormones in meat, poultry and non-organic dairy products increase the risk of breast cancer development. Some daily supplements are also known to reduce the risk of breast cancer like multivitamin and they should be taken daily.
Maintaining a positive outlook mentally plays a role in relaxing the body. It is very important to get adequate sleep daily and to engage in mutual and warm relationships with friends and family. Keep of stress and depression as they facilitate breast cancer development.
Brian Morse invites you to find out more information about this subject at http://www.bcfaf.org/. Thank you for your interest. Next, read about breast cancer financial assistance and how to find it. I like to find answers by way of information.