How Digital Mammography Is Improving Breast Screening
Detecting breast cancer as early as possible is essential to breast care and to ensure that survival isn't a matter of luck but a matter of science. The best way to detect breast cancer is with a mammography and digital mammography is the most accurate method available today. The main reason for this is because computers aid in the diagnostic phase and are able to detect cancers much sooner than other methods and years before they can be felt as a lump.
The general rule of thumb is that you should have mammograms each year once you turn 40. They also state that a baseline mammogram should be taken when you're around thirty-five as this will be the one all other mammograms are compared to. Having all mammograms digital will make for the most accurate baseline as well as comparisons as well. Even though these guidelines have been suggested for years, you have to do things differently if you're in a high-risk category.
If there is a history of breast cancer in your family, especially if someone in your immediate family such as your mother, grandmother or sister has had breast cancer this places you in a high risk group. If you don't know your family history, for instance if you lost your mother at a young age, the best way is to assume you're in a high-risk group which changes the guidelines significantly. Instead of having a baseline digital mammogram when you're thirty-five, have one when you're thirty instead. To be on the safe side, you'll want to start having your yearly mammograms when you reach 35 as those in the high-risk category have higher chances of developing breast cancer much younger as well.
An added suggestion for those in high risk groups is to have a mammogram done twice a year after age forty as well. With digital mammography and a good baseline to compare with, any changes noticed by the technologist can be examined sooner and a core biopsy with a breast MRI can be done immediately to see if the change is benign or malignant. Catching things early enables doctors to cut out the problem area without having to resort to more drastic measures such as a mastectomy.
Since there is currently no way to vaccinate against breast cancer, detecting it early is the best way to survive it. Take every precaution possible such as doing self-exams regularly, getting breast cancer screening exams and having digital mammograms done to ensure that if you do develop breast cancer, it's caught early.
Breast care is extremely important for woman of any age but many simply don't think about how exams can literally save their lives. The Porter Breast & Mammogram Center at Porter Adventist Hospital is leading the way in breast cancer screening and treatment.