Links to Breast Cancer
One of the many tribulations women may face in their lifetime is breast cancer. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what the links are to breast cancer so we will explore the environmental links, which has been thoroughly researched and examined throughout the years. Women who have a history of breast cancer running through their family and are especially prone to developing breast cancer, should really try to focus on preventative measures which they can take to help lower their susceptibility and risk to breast cancer.
In 2000, researchers that took part of a comprehensive report on the prevention of breast cancer found some profound results. Reducing exposure to some 200 toxic chemicals could significantly prevent many women from developing this heinous disease. Though more research is needed to determine a direct relationship between any one particular chemical, animal testing has shown that there are links between these chemicals found in the air, and in everyday consumer products, which are linked to development of cancer. There is a growing body of evidence and results from these studies that show that environmental contaminants and exposure to these chemicals are one of the leading culprits of women's deaths due to development of cancerous cells.
However, since the chemicals are so broad and widespread, with over 200 suspicious chemicals, it's hard to see how these compounds affect human tissue. For one, each conclusion of the study suggests another detail that warrants the unpredictability and complicatedness of the disease. However, we will go into more detail of the key findings of environmental links.
A specific chemical exposure to BPA and Phthalates was a leading chemical to suggest a link to cancer. This chemical, commonly found in plastic water bottles, has been shown to cause tissue changes in the mammary glands of animals. The study also suggested that there was a link between the birth control pill to breast cancer, but overall the pill also decreases other cancers like ovarian cancer. It's been quite a debate since the effects of the birth control pill have been inconsistently and ultimately inconclusive.
Most women think that getting a mammogram done every year is the best deterrent against breast cancer but in reality, these check ups that expose you to ionizing radiation and radioactive waves, can even increase your risks. Despite the riskiness, mammograms also end up saving lives with early breast cancer detection. So, it's really a toss up for an actual link between mammograms and cancer. The bottom line is though, that unnecessary mammograms and any other medical test that exposes you to radiation should be avoided.
Lastly, the worst thing on our list of environmental links is the ever encompassing problem of pollution. Benzene, which is an additive found in gasoline and exhaust, is a great human carcinogen. Since we have to breathe to live, we are constantly being exposed to this on a daily basis. While we cannot control certain things in the air, we can avoid costly health problems through consistent checkups, mammogram tests, and through a healthy diet. All these things may give us greater peace in mind, including having an all inclusive medical insurance policy in case we need expensive treatment or preventative care, which will be covered for. The importance of medical insurance should not be undermined when it comes to our health and the early detection of breast cancer.
Free-lance writer with a passion for Writing and Research. Amanda Rodriguez
Doctor's Guide to Medical Insurance
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