Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer - What You Need To Know Before Undergoing The Treatment

Chemotherapy is generally prescribed as a treatment for patients with early stage breast cancer. It is also the treatment of choice for patients with high-risk metastatic breast cancer. The drugs used in the treatment kill rapidly dividing tumor cells that may be spreading through the body. This helps reduce the risk of the cancer coming back in another part of the body.

Chemotherapy can also be used as the main treatment for cancer that has spread outside the breast and underarm area. It can also be used to shrink a large tumor prior to surgery. The treatment can be administered in-patient, outpatient, at home or a combination of these. Chemotherapy for breast cancer and tamoxifen have been shown to independently reduce the risk of developing a second cancer in the other breast. The risk reduction may persist for at least five to ten years.

Chemotherapy also works best in younger women. This treatment is usually administered between two to six weeks following surgery and continues for total of three to six months. The same treatment is usually given after surgery because it can reduce the chance of the cancer returning. This is known as adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer and may boost cure rates by as much as fifteen percent.

One may therefore conclude that chemotherapy is the initial choice for the treatment of breast cancer. However, there are several factors to be considered before deciding to undergo the treatment.

Before the doctor decides to recommend chemotherapy to his or her breast cancer patient, the doctor would generally take into consideration the age of the patient, as well as her life stage. While chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery may slow the progression of recurrent breast cancer, chemotherapy and radiation can permanently damage ovaries.

Early menopause may set in when the ovaries stop producing estrogen. If a patient is relatively young and plans to start a family eventually, she could first have her eggs harvested for future use before undergoing chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy should not be given during the first three months of pregnancy as it may cause fetal malformations. The treatment has been more widely used in the second and third trimesters, as organogenesis is complete. However, it may still cause early labor and low birth weight.

Other research has shown that chemotherapy may affect a developing fetus in the second or third trimester. If the breast cancer must be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy and if your oncologist deems the treatment may harm the fetus, you may face the painful decision of having to end your pregnancy. This decision will likely depend on the stage of cancer, the age of the fetus and the mother's chance of survival. Be sure to discuss with your oncologist to make sure you fully understand the risks before commencing your treatment.

While the chemotherapy kills the cancer cells, it will leave the patient weak. Your medical oncologist and nurse will discuss possible side effects with you before treatment begins.

To cope with the side effects, be sure to get adequate rest between treatments. Eat non greasy, nutritious food and drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices to ensure that your body is well nourished. Take multivitamins if necessary. Vitamins and minerals to take with chemotherapy for breast cancer would include Vitamin C and D, as well as calcium, magnesium and zinc, among others.

Taking multivitamins with minerals after diagnosis was found to be associated with a 20% lower risk of recurrence and 29% lower risk of breast cancer-specific death compared to never using multivitamins.You may also eat organic yogurt as a way of helping your digestive tract to recover and repopulate your gut with friendly bacteria to boost your immune system.

Click on types of breast cancer treatments for the latest information on the types of breast cancer treatments available. Celine Yong has done extensive research on women's health and beauty. Visit her blog at for more valuable tips on breast cancer treatment.

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Dreaming - the Breast Cancer Vaccine

I have a dream. Well, I have many dreams, but this one is about an easy, almost painless means of ensuring that no woman ever has to face, fight or survive breast cancer again. A vaccine. Am I just dreaming? Maybe. Maybe not.

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a proven cause of breast cancer in field and experimental mice. MMTV was discovered way back in 1936. MMTV-like viral genetic material has been identified in human breast tumors, but it's not known whether it actually causes tumor development. Research has uncovered a human mammary tumor virus, HMTV, which is 95-98% similar to the mouse virus (MMTV), so they are believed to be the same virus.

HMTV has been found in approximately 40 percent of all human breast cancer (bc) specimens examined, in 60 percent of pregnancy-associated bc's, and in 71 percent of inflammatory bc's. Women whose tumors show evidence of the virus have antibodies to it 95 percent of the time, whereas normal, healthy women have antibodies to the virus less than 5 percent of the time.

A research team, led by Vincent Tuohy, PhD, at Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute, have developed a vaccine that prevents breast cancer tumors from forming in mice, while inhibiting the growth of existing tumors. The vaccine contains the antigen a-lactalbumin. In the latest study, genetically cancer-prone mice were vaccinated - half with a vaccine containing the antigen and half with a vaccine that didn't contain the antigen. None of the mice vaccinated with the antigen developed breast cancer, while all of the other mice did.

Unlike the FDA approved cervical cancer vaccine and liver cancer vaccines, both of which target viruses (human papillomavirus and Hepatitis B viruses), this mouse vaccine targets cancer formation itself. Tuohy explains that the key in developing a human breast cancer vaccine is therefore to find a target within the tumor that isn't typically found in a healthy person. In the case of breast cancer, they are targeting a-lactalbumin, a protein found in the majority of breast cancers but not in healthy women, except during lactation. The vaccine is expected to stimulate a woman's immune system to target a-lactalbumin, stopping tumor formation without damaging healthy breast tissue.

The hoped for strategy would be to vaccinate women over 40, when breast cancer risk begins to increase and pregnancy becomes less likely. The vaccine would also be an alternative option for younger women with a heightened risk of breast cancer, instead of prophylactic mastectomies.

While there is still controversy over just how many breast cancers contain a-lactalbumin, Tuohy is hopeful that his findings might lead to vaccines for other types of cancer, and so am I. His vaccine is ready to be tested for safety in humans, but guess what. Komen has turned him down for funding 3 times and Avon has refused to even consider it. Hmmmm.... Maybe Mr. Tuohy scared the queens of pinkwashing when he said, ""If it works in humans the way it works in mice, this will be monumental. We could eliminate breast cancer."

I first heard about the possibility of one or more breast cancer viruses from Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, founder of The Breast Health and Healing Foundation. Talk About Health hosted a question/answer session with Dr. Ruddy, which is a great place to start if you're interested in learning more about this topic.

Susan Beausang,

Susan Beausang is President of, Inc. and designer of the patented BeauBeauR head scarf, a fashionable scarf specifically designed for women and girls. The Beaubeau unites the worlds of fashion and medical hair loss.'s mission is to help women and girls cope with the emotional upheaval of medical hair loss with dignity and confidence and to advocate for greater understanding of the emotional impacts of hair loss. An Alopecian and a Previvor, Susan is bald but cancer-free. She strives to be a source of strength and hope for women and girls with medical hair loss. Learn more at

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Conventional Treatment For Someone With Breast Cancer

There are a number of treatment options once diagnosed with breast cancer that you can choose from. Late detection of the cancer minimizes the chances of having it cured. Because men have smaller breasts, the cancer is likely to spread at a faster rate during the initial stages compared to women. However, if for both men and women the stage of the cancer during diagnosis is the same, the chances of survival are equal for both.

Treatment will depend on factors such as the stage, its sensitivity to hormones and the type of cancer. Some treatment options include;

Surgery. There are different types of surgery. They include; breast reconstruction, mastectomy to remove the breast or part of it, prophylactic surgery, lymph node dissection, or breast conserving surgery to remove the lump. Men with breast cancer can undergo a surgery referred to as a modified radical mastectomy to remove the breast, chest muscle lining and some of the lymph nodes under the arm.

Chemotherapy. This is the use of medication of a combination of medicines to exterminate and weaken cancer cells throughout the body so that they do not continue to grow. It helps to keep the cancer from striking again. The doctor might use this therapy to minimize the cancer before surgery is performed and during the final stages of the cancer to kill as many cancer cells as possible.

Hormonal therapy. Not only does it reduce the chances of the cancer reoccurring but also the growing and spreading of cancer cells. Like chemotherapy it also stops the cancer cells from growing. Hormone therapy is one of the standard treatments for breast cancer in men especially if the cancer was caused by hormones.

Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy will depend on the type and the stage of the cancer. It can be internal where radioactive substances are positioned near the cancer to kill or prevent the cancer cells from growing or external radiation where the body is exposed to radiation outside the body to achieve the same results. This therapy can be performed after surgery to kill the remaining cancer cells.

Mastectomy, removal of the lymph node, radiation and lumpectomy are used in the treatment of stage I and II breast cancer. After surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and biologic therapy are used. Stage IV cancer is not easily curable therefore treatment will be directed towards the symptoms and lengthening ones life.

Emma Wanjiku is an experienced writer and publisher who focusses/reports on issues affecting you. Her research is based on aspects and topics of life that matter. She is a trained journalist. For daily health tips and fitness information, access her health site at

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Common Signs of Breast Cancer

The lack of knowledge makes cancer treatments difficult because the disease goes undetected till it reaches an advanced stage. If breast cancer treatments are done at early stages of the cancer, the chances of complete cure are much higher. Here are some of the signs that one must be aware of:

Lumps - Breast cancer doctors say that even though lumps are the most common and known signs of breast cancer, women often fail to recognize them. A lump is a kind of thickening one may feel near the breast or even in the armpit. They are very small, pea-sized and are generally painless. But one may feel some tenderness or irritation. Such lumps can be easily spotted through a mammogram.
Change in breast size- Changes in breast size is another symptom of cancer. Whether the breast size will increase or decrease will vary from women to women. Some women experience an increase in their breast size and some others find their breast size decreasing. This change is usually not noticeable until the size has changed a lot.
Change in color and texture- Breast cancer may also cause a change in color and texture of the breast. One may notice a marble-like area under the skin. Some areas of the breast may even differ greatly from other areas of the breast. The skin of the breast may also turn pink or red in color. In case of scarring, the skin may also even turn orange. Some tumors can't be seen or felt. In such cases, indentation or flattening of breast is a sure symptom.
Changes in nipple- One of the earliest signs of breast cancer is that one may notice some changes in their nipples. The nipple may get pushed inward and there may be a dimpled look. There may also be irritation and slight pain along with redness of the nipple. Paget's disease, a localized can be recognized by symptoms like itching, scaling of the nipple and ulceration. Discharge of clear fluid or blood is also a common sign of breast cancer.

Cancer doctors say the reasons for this disease are many and varied. Lifestyle and environmental factors are two main factors that play a huge role. Heavy intake of alcohol and red meat, dense breasts and obesity combined with pollution, and food contamination increases the risk of cancer. Apart from these, family history is also important.

It is important that women check themselves for any of the above mentioned signs periodically. If any of the symptoms are observed, a trip to a cancer specialist is mandatory.

Through his articles, youngrin wishes to inform and educate the readers about breast cancer treatments which will benefit those who are looking for useful information, For treatment log on to breast cancer treatments

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Essential Oils That Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Did you know that some essential oils have the ability to identify improperly written DNA, while others can destroy that DNA, and still others re-program the DNA correctly? Some oils can actually do all three themselves. Being able to do just one, two or all three is quite astounding, isn't it? Besides these incredible properties they can also pass through the blood-brain barrier because even those essential oils with the largest molecules still have molecules that are many times smaller than necessary to pass through that barrier.

Do you see why I believe some of the best things God has given mankind are essential oils? When the wise men brought baby Jesus the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh they were, in essence, providing Jesus' parents with a pharmacy. Frankincense is immuno-stimulating and antitumoral while myrrh is antiviral, antiparasitic, an analgesic and also antitumoral. These oils could protect baby Jesus from the plagues and illnesses of that day and then, when they were gone - Mary and Joseph could purchase more with the gold. If you ask me, these are pretty great baby gifts for any time in history!

Are there oils that can help reduce the risk of breast cancer and many other cancers? That answer is not black and white because, as I have said in other articles, everyone is unique and acts and reacts differently. However, generally speaking there are essential oils that help keep immune systems strong and others that suppress tumors - so, the answer is, in many cases, "yes"!

I believe most of you are aware that everyone has cancer cells within their bodies. The problem doesn't lie in that fact. It is when those cells are allowed to multiply because a person's immune system has been compromised, weakened and therefore functioning poorly that tumors form.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of pure water and exercising on a regular basis, the following oils can strengthen immunity and repair DNA in the cells.

Cistus (Cistus ladanifer) enhances immunity and immune cell regeneration.

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary to amplify immunity.

Oregano (Origanum compactum) is one of the most powerful antimicrobial essential oils. It helps fight off viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, and parasites allowing our bodies to concentrate on staying healthy.

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) amplifies immunity and DNA repair in addition to being antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is one of the most powerful antioxidants of all essential oils and prevents cellular DNA damage. It is very important in cancer prevention to protect against cell oxidation. Additionally, it is antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal.

There are many more essential oils that have these same qualities, but this gives you an idea of some of the most powerful. These oils are packed with a huge wallop in every drop so you don't need to use them in large quantities. They last well in hot climates as long as they are not exposed to light and you keep them bottled tightly to keep them from evaporating.

Anyone who has received a cancer diagnosis might want to consider adding Frankincense or myrrh to their traditional treatment since they contain antitumoral properties. Frankincense is somewhat easier to work with because it is has less resin than myrrh. Of course, one should always check with their doctor first before adding any essential oils or starting any alternative treatment. This is because the oils could react negatively with other treatments and/or medications or they could nullify the benefits of traditional medicine.

To provide the greatest protection one should use only the highest grade essential oils available. For me that means Young Living oils. They have a great track record and have pretty much set the standard for all other essential oils. As with any high quality product, these small bottles of oils are not cheap. But, remember - they do go a long way. Young Living has combined many of the oils that stimulate the immune system into a blended oil called ImmuPower. You can check it, and the company, out at

My prayer is that some day we will wipe out cancer; but until that day, essential oils offer great protection against cancer and can offer help and hope for those who have been diagnosed with the disease.

Much of the information on the list of oils came from "Essential Oils Desk Reference, fifth edition". It is compiled and published by Life Science Publishing. You can purchase the book online through several vendors, including Amazon.

Carin Hansen was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40. After a long battle she emerged victorious and began a one-on-one wardrobe and beauty consulting business for other women journeying through cancer. She has been a model, actress, talent agency owner, benefit founder, certified acting/modeling instructor, writer, speaker and passionate cancer advocate. Please visit Carin's website at for information and encouragement that is helpful and hopeFULL. You can purchase a hard copy of her book "A Woman's Cancer Journey Primer" or upload a free pdf on the website also. It is important to remember that Carin is not a physician and does not subscribe to or recommend any particular medical procedure or alternative treatment. She strongly urges you to consult with your Primary Physician, Oncologist and/or Surgeon before implementing any of her suggestions found in her articles, newsletter, blogs and books.

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Links to Breast Cancer

One of the many tribulations women may face in their lifetime is breast cancer. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what the links are to breast cancer so we will explore the environmental links, which has been thoroughly researched and examined throughout the years. Women who have a history of breast cancer running through their family and are especially prone to developing breast cancer, should really try to focus on preventative measures which they can take to help lower their susceptibility and risk to breast cancer.

In 2000, researchers that took part of a comprehensive report on the prevention of breast cancer found some profound results. Reducing exposure to some 200 toxic chemicals could significantly prevent many women from developing this heinous disease. Though more research is needed to determine a direct relationship between any one particular chemical, animal testing has shown that there are links between these chemicals found in the air, and in everyday consumer products, which are linked to development of cancer. There is a growing body of evidence and results from these studies that show that environmental contaminants and exposure to these chemicals are one of the leading culprits of women's deaths due to development of cancerous cells.

However, since the chemicals are so broad and widespread, with over 200 suspicious chemicals, it's hard to see how these compounds affect human tissue. For one, each conclusion of the study suggests another detail that warrants the unpredictability and complicatedness of the disease. However, we will go into more detail of the key findings of environmental links.

A specific chemical exposure to BPA and Phthalates was a leading chemical to suggest a link to cancer. This chemical, commonly found in plastic water bottles, has been shown to cause tissue changes in the mammary glands of animals. The study also suggested that there was a link between the birth control pill to breast cancer, but overall the pill also decreases other cancers like ovarian cancer. It's been quite a debate since the effects of the birth control pill have been inconsistently and ultimately inconclusive.

Most women think that getting a mammogram done every year is the best deterrent against breast cancer but in reality, these check ups that expose you to ionizing radiation and radioactive waves, can even increase your risks. Despite the riskiness, mammograms also end up saving lives with early breast cancer detection. So, it's really a toss up for an actual link between mammograms and cancer. The bottom line is though, that unnecessary mammograms and any other medical test that exposes you to radiation should be avoided.

Lastly, the worst thing on our list of environmental links is the ever encompassing problem of pollution. Benzene, which is an additive found in gasoline and exhaust, is a great human carcinogen. Since we have to breathe to live, we are constantly being exposed to this on a daily basis. While we cannot control certain things in the air, we can avoid costly health problems through consistent checkups, mammogram tests, and through a healthy diet. All these things may give us greater peace in mind, including having an all inclusive medical insurance policy in case we need expensive treatment or preventative care, which will be covered for. The importance of medical insurance should not be undermined when it comes to our health and the early detection of breast cancer.

Free-lance writer with a passion for Writing and Research. Amanda Rodriguez
Doctor's Guide to Medical Insurance

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Myriad Emotions: Breast Cancer Ordeal

My article relating to breast cancer is one of self-indulgence. I found the writing of it cathartic in that it helped me to come to terms with my illness. It is my heartfelt hope that this article will afford any fellow sufferers some measure of comfort or support. This period was an intensely emotional time for loved ones, close friends, and myself. If you have been affected in, anyway by this health issue I hope that my article can help to bring a degree of solace.

I like many women, and men before me have had a health scare; I was diagnosed as having "Breast Cancer." It is no respecter of gender. I was one of the lucky ones; it could have been a lot worse than it was. I am not after sympathy here - that is the last thing I need. What is required on my part, and that of any other sufferer, is to accomplish something that at the time seems practically impossible; that of positive thinking.

If one dwells too much on this issue, your morale sinks even lower, and the healing process takes longer. So how does one deal with this profound happening? Positive thinking has to be one of the hardest things to achieve. We can all present a brave face when we are required too; but maintaining that "up-beat," when your cosy little world has been shattered into a thousand pieces is one of the hardest things to deal with.

I have found the best thing to do is to talk about it. Unfortunately, some people put up barriers, and treat the topic of cancer as "taboo," and one not to be faced. Some women quickly change the subject, while others talk about it - maybe they have had a similar experience. Alternatively, they may know someone who has been affected by it. Surprisingly enough, I found men could talk relatively easily about the subject, and without embarrassment.

Their interest stems from the concern that it could happen to their wives, loved ones, or someone of their own gender and they feel a need to understand all the facts. I have read books, and gathered information from the Internet, so I feel pretty much informed on the subject. All this information can be somewhat daunting you read about long-term prospects and wonder: "What If?" As always on any health issue, you can read about the good, and the bad.

I have learned to challenge everything that goes on regarding my body. I have had my bad days; however, in the main they are good. You learn to play harder, and laugh more; in fact, you simply get on with living. One of the hardest things is observing the pain on loved ones faces when the topic is approached. Nevertheless, things have to be faced, and each family member or friend copes differently.

Some people cannot come to terms with the situation. I have lost touch with people whom I had termed close friends, and people I thought of as just being acquaintances; have in turn been supportive of me. I have been one of the fortunate ones, with the dedicated guidance and support from a truly loving family. Indeed, they have helped to pull me through this ordeal.

So how do you face these "myriad of emotions" you are going through? You need to take stock. How are you are feeling, not the physical pain, but the emotional. It is difficult to come to terms with - believe me I know. People cannot fully comprehend how you feel, unless they have been through it themselves. I can remember the first time I looked in the mirror thinking I was incomplete. How could my husband still want me - or my children not turn away in disgust at the sight of my body?

It is difficult to remain untouched by it all but remember you are still the selfsame person. Perhaps you are a wife, and a mother. If so, you are loved and needed. If you are single, it is to be hoped that you have loved ones' that understand how you are feeling; besides giving you all the moral support that you need at this trying time.

Initially my feelings where that of self-pity: I could not think clearly or face my future. Talking to fellow sufferers this is something they had all experienced. Yet a few months down the line, I had managed to develop my positive thinking to the full. In truth, I had finally stopped feeling sorry for myself.

I have to admit this was the hardest emotion of all to cope with. The "Why Me" feeling was especially strong. I have wept myself to sleep many a night. However, I quickly began to realize that this kind of behaviour was not being fair on my loved ones, and I had to fight so very hard against it.

I soon realised that you really must make the best of whatever fate throws at you. Live for every moment, and appreciate your life to the full. Try to stop thinking of what has happened to you, "I know it's not easy." Start to think of what you can do with your life. I certainly look at life differently enjoying it for what it is, and what it has to offer me for now, and the future.

It is an appalling thing that has happened to you. However, if you fill your time feeling sorry for yourself you will not only destroy your life: but the lives of those who love, and care for you. My only hope is that if you are troubled with the demons, which this illness brings; my words can be of some comfort to you knowing that you are not alone.

There is always help and support available to you. So please, make use of these organizations. They really can help you in providing strength, and comfort, in your hours of need and support.

Take care of you...Pammie

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