Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts

Common Signs of Breast Cancer

The lack of knowledge makes cancer treatments difficult because the disease goes undetected till it reaches an advanced stage. If breast cancer treatments are done at early stages of the cancer, the chances of complete cure are much higher. Here are some of the signs that one must be aware of:

Lumps - Breast cancer doctors say that even though lumps are the most common and known signs of breast cancer, women often fail to recognize them. A lump is a kind of thickening one may feel near the breast or even in the armpit. They are very small, pea-sized and are generally painless. But one may feel some tenderness or irritation. Such lumps can be easily spotted through a mammogram.
Change in breast size- Changes in breast size is another symptom of cancer. Whether the breast size will increase or decrease will vary from women to women. Some women experience an increase in their breast size and some others find their breast size decreasing. This change is usually not noticeable until the size has changed a lot.
Change in color and texture- Breast cancer may also cause a change in color and texture of the breast. One may notice a marble-like area under the skin. Some areas of the breast may even differ greatly from other areas of the breast. The skin of the breast may also turn pink or red in color. In case of scarring, the skin may also even turn orange. Some tumors can't be seen or felt. In such cases, indentation or flattening of breast is a sure symptom.
Changes in nipple- One of the earliest signs of breast cancer is that one may notice some changes in their nipples. The nipple may get pushed inward and there may be a dimpled look. There may also be irritation and slight pain along with redness of the nipple. Paget's disease, a localized can be recognized by symptoms like itching, scaling of the nipple and ulceration. Discharge of clear fluid or blood is also a common sign of breast cancer.

Cancer doctors say the reasons for this disease are many and varied. Lifestyle and environmental factors are two main factors that play a huge role. Heavy intake of alcohol and red meat, dense breasts and obesity combined with pollution, and food contamination increases the risk of cancer. Apart from these, family history is also important.

It is important that women check themselves for any of the above mentioned signs periodically. If any of the symptoms are observed, a trip to a cancer specialist is mandatory.

Through his articles, youngrin wishes to inform and educate the readers about breast cancer treatments which will benefit those who are looking for useful information, For treatment log on to breast cancer treatments

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Tips on How to Observe Your Breasts for Signs of Cancer Properly

A lot of women do not like to talk about their breasts and they certainly do not like to stare at them, or to palpate them to search for lumps. These self exams and observations can save the lives of more women than all of the mammograms that will be done this year. The self exam and observation that you do will allow you to notice changes quicker and be able to detect problems sooner. The sooner you discover a lump or change the better your chances of surviving if it is malignant.

You need to exam your breasts once every month for lumps. This means you will need to feel the breast to find any places that seem different than the last time that you checked them. It is recommended that you do these examinations on the same day of the month each time so that the tissue you are palpating will be the same. Your mammary glands swell and change at different times of the month in unison with your monthly cycle. SO make sure that you schedule a day and keep that day every month as your-self check day.

You want to get in the shower and slowly feel every portion of the breast matter. You do this by starting at the nipple and using two fingers to feel the tissue you slowly make small circles until you have covered the entire area. Doing this in the shower while you are soapy makes it easier to do.

You also want to check them again while you are lying on the bed. Lie flat of your back and hold one arm above your head, with the other hand exam the tissue on the side of the body that the arm is lifted on. Then repeat on the other side of your body. Now touch them with your arms lying flat against your sides. You are trying to sense changes or places that seem to be hard like a small pea.

You need to stand in front of the mirror naked and look at your reflection. Make sure that your nipples line up. Is one higher than the other? Do the left and the right sides look the same? When you look at your reflection the left side of your chest and the right side of your chest should look the same. If you have a dimple on the left you should have a dimple on the right as well. If you notice discrepancies you need to see your doctor.

You also want to look at the skin around the nipple and on the surface of the bosom. If the skin appears to be smooth then you are fine but when the skin appears to be textured like an orange peeling is then you have cause for concern. You will need to see your doctor and have this checked out.

Breast cancer is survivable if you catch it early. So take the time to do the examination and always get further advice if you notice any discrepancies.

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