Showing posts with label Patients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patients. Show all posts

How the Internet Can Help Breast Cancer Patients

Hearing "I'm afraid it's cancer" from the doctor is probably among the top 5 things nobody wants to go through. However, cancer is no longer a death sentence and there's hope. Many people survive cancer every year, and the support systems for cancer patients and their families get better and better. The Internet can be a great channel to learn more about this disease and help you find alternative ways of coping with it.

Understanding Breast Cancer

Many people find reassuring to know as much as possible about the disease, treatment and other hard data that it's easily available online from reputed medical sources. While you should always be able to talk with your doctor about your treatment and prognosis, sometimes it's easier to first ask a computer from the comfort of your home and access the great library that is the Internet by yourself. If you are unsure about what is a reliable source you can ask your doctor, or access the website of a cancer support group that operates on your area. This way you'll be able to know everything you need about what's afflicting you, and what to expect from the treatment.

Research on Alternative Therapies

While looking for medical advice online is not a good idea, and you should always listen to medical professionals about your condition, the Internet offers a lot of possibilities in terms of alternative medicine to help with some serious side effects from cancer treatment. You may want to research herbs and other natural products that can help with nausea and discomfort associated with chemotherapy, and some people report that they feel better after acupuncture sessions. Always talk to your doctor before taking any herb or alternative medicine, as they may be not compatible with your medication.


One of the best ways of remembering that the battle against cancer can be won is by sharing your history with others who have already been there. You can find inspiring histories online from people who are dealing with the same things as you, or have successfully got rid of the disease. Support groups can also be a great help if it's not you, but a family member, who has been diagnosed, as you'll be able to ask questions from others who are or have been in the same situation and may provide helpful advice, from seemingly silly stuff such as what to pack on overnight hospital bags to medical insurance checklists and advice about how to get economical support from people like you.

Many people use the Internet to motivate themselves to keep fighting, from participating on support groups online to just reading inspirational breast cancer quotes when they are feeling down, and anything in between. Join them and arm yourself with all the tools you can use to win this battle!

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How To Improve Breast Cancer Patients Quality Of Life

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is a life changing event and many people have problems keeping their spirits up after such an announcement. Whether is you or a close friend or relative suffering from cancer, it's important to remain optimistic and avoid depression and stress. While not a replacement for conventional therapy, some of the following techniques and therapies can help you fight depression and encourage your body to fight cancer more effectively.


Many people find comfort on meditation, and learning how to keep your mind still even in challenging circumstances can go a long way towards avoiding falling victim of despair. There are many meditation techniques that can help you get a better understanding of your body and your thought processes, and so identify and avoid negative thoughts and attitudes that can lead to depression. Since a depressed person is often more at risk of infections and recovers more slowly from the side effects of breast cancer treatment, meditation can be a good non-chemical alternative to conventional anti-depressants.


Yoga is an ideal sport for cancer patients because it helps settle down the mind and increases body awareness, without requiring excessive effort or strength that wouldn't be suitable for somebody going through cancer treatment. There are many different Yoga schools, and it's worth talking with your doctor about it as a way to stay fit and help your body recover from chemo or radiotherapy. It is said that by enhancing your own immune system through this kind of exercise, your body can better fight the cancerous cells and so increase the effects of conventional therapies without having to take more medicine.


Some essential oils are said to reduce nausea and improve overall wellbeing, so it may be worth including them on your relaxation routine in the form of essential oils baths or even massages. Massages are said to improve general wellbeing and can help cancer sufferers improve their quality of life even when under heavy treatment. You don't need to spend a lot of money on professional massaging, many people find a simple home massage machine or their partner's hands a perfect way to relax and feel better about their chances of beating cancer.

Inspirational Quotes

Many people find relief in reading inspirational breast cancer quotes, as they show that others have indeed fought the battle against cancer and won. While not a replacement for conventional therapy, it's something within reach of anybody that can have a big effect on your mood over time.

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