Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts

The Best Way To Reverse and Prevent Chronic Diseases - No Half-Truths Please!

I recently read and replied to a magazine article written by an R.D. about how plant-based diets are effective in can "Curbing Cancer." It was a good article, but like almost all articles I read that celebrate a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, her article told only half the story.

She suggested 5 essential plant-based foods and 5 key nutrients that are vital to health. Then she concluded by saying that "a plant-based diet generally contains less cholesterol and fat and more fiber. So, the eating plan that best fights cancer also fights heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke and obesity. Now that's a diet we can all live with!"

In my reply I commended the author for her advocacy of a plant-based diet, and I agreed with her conclusion. But here is where I feel she only told half of what we have learned from recent research.

I specifically talked about the elephant in the room which nobody is willing to talk about, and which is becoming more apparent as our disease epidemic is quickly becoming a pandemic.. The elephant I am referring to is "Animal foods". The elephant in the room is Meat, Eggs, and Dairy Products. Why do I say that?

The most ground-breaking disease research ever completed in history is the recent research on the direct cause and effect relationship between the foods we eat and the diseases they cause.This research, published in a book by the title, is The China Study, a massive multi-year project that was completed by a world class team of researchers in the early 1990's. They were testing the hypothesis that chronic diseases are triggered and develop because of inadequate animal -based protein in human diets.

Their extensive study included 170 diverse research population groups, and every group produced identical results, which in itself was remarkable. And to the surprise of all the researchers, their hypothesis was totally incorrect. But even more amazing and ground-breaking was the study results that revealed a clear-cut cause/effect relationship between eating animal products and diseases.

When all the data was compiled and analyzed, they discovered that the groups that consumed under 5% meat, eggs, milk and cream, of their total food intake, had virtually no diseases present of any type whatsoever. And inversely, and to their amazement, the groups that consumed greater than 5% animal foods (of their total food intake) had developed a full range of chronic diseases, like cancer, coronary disease, diabetes, osteo-arthritis, auto-immune diseases, and every type of chronic disease we are experiencing in America (over 200 types). As if that wasn't specific enough, the study results inserted it's own exclamation points throughout the data, because it revealed that the higher the percentage of animal foods in their diet, the greater the types and the severity of the diseases they had developed.

Today, in the United States we average 15-16% of our food intake from animal-based foods (way beyond 5%). so, based on the study findings, It's no wonder chronic diseases are overwhelming us. And we are dispensing this prescription for destroying health, this epidemic of animal saturated fats, cholesterol, and excess protein consumption, that is producing a mushrooming epidemic of these same chronic diseases all around the world. How are we doing it? - by the aggressive, cancerous growth of animal-based fast food restaurant chains.

For example, the people of Okinawa, in southern Japan, who have eaten a plant-based diet for centuries, and that have never experienced any detectable level of chronic diseases, now 2 decades after the introduction of McDonalds, KFC, and Dominos animal-based foods restaurants, Okinawans are experiencing the same proliferation of chronic disease we have in America..

And to make the growing tragedy even worse, there clearly is a conspiracy of silence in this regard that is being driven by the medical industry and the media which is fully complicit in this silence. I indict big medicine for the obvious reason that if they wanted this ground-breaking news to be publicized, it would be all over the media. It is being suppressed - no other conclusion can be drawn.about the utter silence about this most significant break-through in disease research in history. The China Study was published 2 decades ago, and the book The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, was published in 2006, over 5 years ago.

I know it's absurd to pose the questions: Why would doctors be keeping this totally free miraculous prescription that would reverse and prevent chronic diseases from their suffering and dying patients? Why wouldn't they prescribe a dietary solution to disease of simple fruits and vegetables, and a significant reduction in the toxic intake of meats, eggs, and dairy products? More revealing yet, why would doctors willingly give up their lucrative commissions from pushing medicines that are just as, if not more, toxic as animal-based foods?

You may not have known before about The China Study, for whatever reason. But now you know, and you will have to choose to follow the party line of never specifically naming what the China Study clearly reveals causes chronic diseases. You will have to decide to passively participate in the big lie, or decide to be a courageous truth teller. I invite you to join us as we pull back the curtain to expose the lies and half-details that propel this skyrocketing disease epidemic to wreck havoc on millions of innocent lives and destroy our national health.

I thank you for your article and your commitment to health and to ending disease,

Terry W. Kent, founder and director,

The Health and Nutrition Center

Terry W. Kent, BA, MST., is an expert nutrition and disease researcher, author, blogger, speaker, and the Director of The Health And Nutrition Center. To watch a brief award-winning video about reversing and preventing chronic diseases, go to To see other related articles and videos, and receive Terry's latest special reports, go here:

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